Chicken Thai Noodle Salad



I love noodles. Like, really really love noodles. In the past I would cook up mammoth bowls of Singapore type noodles, or perhaps four packs of instant Mi-Goreng noodles. The amount of oil, sodium and sheer caloric intake was ridiculous.

Here is a quick, easy and simple way to put together a fresh Chicken Thai Noodle Salad. The qualities are pretty easy to judge by the photograph. Just use a small (half tsp) fish oil with two tablespoons of lime juice and two tablespoons of sweet chilli sauce. After soaking the rice vermecelli noodles in boiling water, I drained off the water and stuck them in the freezer while I chopped the ingredients, it meant they were cool when it came to mixing all the ingredients.


Chicken breast or similar pressed chicken cut into strips
Vermicelli rice noodles
Spring onion
Lebanese cucumber, sliced
Carrot, shredded
Chopped coriander
Sweet chilli sauce
Fish sauce
Lime or lemon juice